Sunday, February 27, 2011

Isn't it funny?

Isn't it funny how you rediscover things at moments in your life where they are useful? For example, how I just remembered I have a blog, and I actually hve something to blog about.


This is such a rare occurance in my life wher it's not just a great ay, but consecutive days of greatness. It was just... well, fabulous.

First of, I'm now studying voice with this woman, Tamera Glaser, who played Christine in Phantom for 2 years opposite Micheal Crawford (yes, I *did* have a ridiculous fan-girl moment, but apparently it payed off). As you gathered from that statement, she has an incredible voice. The even more incredible thing about her is that she likes my voice!!!! I was SO excited to hear this - she really thinks I have a good thing going here, and therefore aggreed to let me take her class for free!!!!! Good thing number ONE!

Next, I auditioned for Annie. How can this be good, you ask? Well, bear with me for the moment, please. I auditioned and did quite well, if I do say so myself, and am calledback for all the female leads! (Except Annie, but since she's supposed to be nine or something, we already knew that wasn't going to fly...). Good thing number TWO!

My room got painted my favorite color! It's this b-e-a-uuuuuuu-tiful blue that makes me want to sing! I can't sleep in there yet, but still... good thing number THREE!

Alos, I had my bestest friend, Laura Savage, over for a sleep over. We made pasta and had tea and talked 'til 2 in the morning. Life was good. Good thing muber FOUR!

And finally, I had a giant stroke of luck - I found my new favorite article of clothing (the dress I wore to my auditions). I just found it hanging in the closet!! It was crazy! But awesome! And it's good thing number FIVE!

So, yeah... I had a really good weekend. The universe balances. :)