Sunday, February 27, 2011

Isn't it funny?

Isn't it funny how you rediscover things at moments in your life where they are useful? For example, how I just remembered I have a blog, and I actually hve something to blog about.


This is such a rare occurance in my life wher it's not just a great ay, but consecutive days of greatness. It was just... well, fabulous.

First of, I'm now studying voice with this woman, Tamera Glaser, who played Christine in Phantom for 2 years opposite Micheal Crawford (yes, I *did* have a ridiculous fan-girl moment, but apparently it payed off). As you gathered from that statement, she has an incredible voice. The even more incredible thing about her is that she likes my voice!!!! I was SO excited to hear this - she really thinks I have a good thing going here, and therefore aggreed to let me take her class for free!!!!! Good thing number ONE!

Next, I auditioned for Annie. How can this be good, you ask? Well, bear with me for the moment, please. I auditioned and did quite well, if I do say so myself, and am calledback for all the female leads! (Except Annie, but since she's supposed to be nine or something, we already knew that wasn't going to fly...). Good thing number TWO!

My room got painted my favorite color! It's this b-e-a-uuuuuuu-tiful blue that makes me want to sing! I can't sleep in there yet, but still... good thing number THREE!

Alos, I had my bestest friend, Laura Savage, over for a sleep over. We made pasta and had tea and talked 'til 2 in the morning. Life was good. Good thing muber FOUR!

And finally, I had a giant stroke of luck - I found my new favorite article of clothing (the dress I wore to my auditions). I just found it hanging in the closet!! It was crazy! But awesome! And it's good thing number FIVE!

So, yeah... I had a really good weekend. The universe balances. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Applicable Monolouges.

So, I'm in this show.

It's called Quilters.

It's a fundraiser for breast cancer, which is super special to me because of my mom, who was recently diagnosed. That, my friends, is a hard pill to swallow. Everyday is a struggle.
But there's a line in Quilters for that:
"And then you're just given so much work with in a life, and you have to do the best with what you got. The materials is passed on to you, or is what you can afford to buy... that's just what's given to you. Your fate.
But the way you put them together is your bussiness. You can put 'em together in any order you like.
Piencin' is orderly."

(Piecing is putting together the quilt top pattern.)

I need to think this today, tomorrow, and everyday, so that I know that I can deal. Sometimes it's hellacious, but overall, it's just what you have, and all you can do is live. And that's what I plan to do: live in each moment.

And if you want to doubt me, get the hell out of my way.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

O, Thursday...

So, I spent most of today thinking that it was Wednesday... oops.
That made the fact that it WAS indeed Thursday very exciting indeed! I think it's the first time in a really long time I've been sort of excited for a Thursday. This is mostly due to to the fact that after tomorrow, it's SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I'm talking about.

You know what is wrong with Thursdays though?? Sometimes it means a weekend of disappointments. I hope this weeked is one that's fun and eventful, not morose and full of time to brood..a I guess if I do end up brooding, there's the inevitable cheerer-uper that I dont have to go to school next week...

What a boring blog! Ah well, the plan is to write everyday, not to be interesting everyday.

TTFN, My lovely people.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Very First Blog!!!!!!!!!

Hello, World!!!

Yes, I'm Claire, and I am an honest to God, no-nonsense, yes-you-can-take-a-picture-with-me THEATER ENTHUSIAST!!!!!!! And right NOW, I'm enthused about one incredible thing:

I'm auditioning for Les Miserables next week.

Yes, I know you're jealous I'm auditioning for this epitome of all shows, but hey, what can I say? I'm incredibly lucky. It's absolutely my favorite show ever: some have equated it to my crack. I would say they're right.

I am sitting here listening to the soundtrack, and am being reminded, once again, exactly just what it is to be in Les Mis for me. I get so excited and involved, I grieve, I love, andI laugh and (most especially) I cry with all the characters, and the plot line (so farmiliar to me as I recite every word for the thousanth time) never ceases to amaze me.

But the thing I love more than anything else in the world, the thing that will forever entrall me, is the music. Every single song in this show is the greatest song in the world. End of Story.

I cannot wait until next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D